Past Essay Contest Winners
The 2022 Minoru Yasui Student Contest asked students to write a thoughtful essay regarding the importance of taking a stand against racism and discrimination.
Junior Division
First Place: Anushruti Ram, Renfroe Middle School, Decatur, GA – "Charlotte Forten Grimke: An Author and Activist"
Second Place: Vishaka Priyan, Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, OR – "The Fight for Justice and Equality"
Finalist: Evie Chan, Oregon Episcopal School, Portland, OR – "Yellowface Must Take Its Final Bow"
Finalist: Antonia India Campanelli, Ashland Middle School, Ashland, OR – "The Reclamation of Identity, Zitkala-Sa"
Finalist: Gatee Urja Shukla, Beaverton Academy of Science and Engineering, Hillsboro, OR – "The Bright Star in the Alabama Sky - Rosa Parks"
Senior Division
First Place: Veda Yama, Aragon High School, San Mateo, CA – "Fighting for the Constitution"
Second Place: Nina Takahashi, Southridge High School, Beaverton, OR – "Art as Action"
Finalist: Jenell Theobald, International School of Beaverton, Beaverton, OR – "So That They Won't Be Forgotten"
Finalist: Lakely Doht-Barron, Central Catholic, Portland, OR – "Taylor Stewart and his Leadership in Society"
Finalist: Cynthia Huang, Orange County School of the Arts, Santa Ana, CA – "The Woman Who Diversified Congress"
The 2021 Minoru Yasui Student Contest asked students to write an insightful essay regarding Refugee and Immigrant experiences through the lens of Min Yasui's work.
Junior Division
First Place: Aarthi Palaniappan, 7th Grade, Albertson, NY – “Minoru Yasui - Refugee and Immigrant Experiences”
Second Place: Maya Franey, 8th Grade, San Jose, CA – “Immigration: A Young Girl's Story”
Finalist: River McCoy, 7th Grade, Topeka, KS – “Sandra Uwiringiyimana”
Finalist: Sohana Schneider, 7th Grade, Chicago, IL – “An Immigrant's Dream”
Finalist: Logan Pinard, 7th Grade, Kapolei, HI – “Refugee and Immigrant Experiences -- Hamdi Ulukaya”
Senior Division
First Place: Fiona Larsen-Tesky, 11th Grade, Hood River, OR – “A Fight For Migrant Worker Rights”
Second Place: Aishiki Nag, 10th Grade, Tigard, OR – “CCU to PDX; My Family’s Journey”
Finalist: Alejandro McClain, 11th Grade, Eugene, OR – “My Grandmother Yoko McClain”
Finalist: Emi Hiroshima, 10th Grade, Los Gatos, CA – “Teachings of Resilience”
Finalist: Jenny Duan, 11th Grade, Portland, OR – “David Ho: AIDS Researcher”