The MYLP honors the legacy of Minoru Yasui in defending civil rights and advancing social justice making through many projects. Our current ongoing projects include:
Annual celebration of Minoru Yasui Day in Oregon every March 28
Annual Minoru Yasui Student Contest for Oregon middle and high school students
Distribution of the documentary film, Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight for Justice educational package (57- and 45-minute versions, short video extras, Study Guide)
Preservation of Min Yasui's jail cell at the Japanese American Museum of Oregon
Minoru Yasui Fellowship at the University of Oregon School of Law and an ongoing partnership with UO
2016 Centennial Activities included:
The Minoru Yasui Civil Liberties Symposium in Portland, OR was held on April 23, 2016
Civil Rights Today: the Legacy of Minoru Yasui was held at the Japanese American National Museum (JANM) in Los Angeles, CA, scheduled for April 30, 2016
Citizen Min in New Mexico - including readings from the play Citizen Min, clips from Never Give Up! and multi-cultural discussions, during the week of May 4-10, 2016
Citizen Min: A documentary play and discussion -- readings from the play and multi-cultural discussions, took place on June 25 and 26 in Seattle, WA​
Vision and Vigilance -- readings of excerpts from he the play "Citizen Min" and round-table discussions held in Portland, Ontario and Hood River, Oregon
Minoru Yasui Tribute in Hood River, OR including the inauguration of an etched stone monument in the Hood River Public Library garden, took place on October 19, 2016 - Min Yasui's 100th birthday in his hometown
Minoru Yasui Legacy Celebration in Denver, CO on October 23, 2016 focusing on Yasui's life's work based out of Denver